Thursday, 1 April 2021

Drop Boards | Test Fit

The hull package came with a pair of patterns to make the companionway drop boards, and the hull hardware package came with a pair of ready-cut transparent Perspex boards.

Having fitted the drop board retainers I felt obliged to see if the Perspex boards fitted, so I tried them.

Here they are, in place.

They fitted perfectly.

They still have their protective coverings in place, so it's hard to see what they will look like when finally deployed.

But I have decided that I want a pair of varnished plywood drop boards in addition to these, with a flange fitted to the bottom outside edge of the top board to prevent ingress of water. They will look nice and keep the interior dry.

Looking really nice!


  1. Looking great! Wait til that paint starts to go on!!

  2. Thanks! It is a lot of fun making the final pieces of the boat. But there is still a lot to do as I have yet to flip it to finish the bottom hull exterior. I need better weather and an end to lockdown to organise that. It's definitely getting there, though!
