Monday, 10 April 2023

Back From Our travels | Cleaning Up The Workshop

Well, here I am back in the UK after our fantastic South Seas adventure.

Apart from completing all the outstanding domestic chores, I have just cleaned up the workshop and disposed of a lot of accumulated crap from the previous several years of boatbuilding. It's looking quite welcoming after our long absence.

I am ready to get stuck in again and finish the boat ... I have been in touch with the recommended trailer manufacturer and will shortly place an order. That will move things along.

I've trawled through the final Chapter 8 of the build manual (Fitting Out) and compiled a list of the remaining tasks - there is still a lot to do! But it looks like the end is in sight.

While cleaning out the workshop I looked at my work log and saw that the last time I worked on the boat was 10th December last year - exactly four months ago.

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun!