Saturday, 9 January 2021

Companionway Hood & Slide | Dry Fitting Tops

When the companionway hood and slide frames were cured I dry fitted their tops to make sure everything fitted together properly.

This is the slide top, correctly located and clamped in place.

And here it is securely fitted in place with temporary screws.

Next came the hood. Here is the top clamped in place on the frame.

This was a bit of a struggle.

The trick is to clamp the top to the trim piece first - as the manual states - and then offer it up to the frame and clamp it in the correct position.

A helper would be useful here, or four pairs of hands. Unfortunately I have neither.

Lastly here is the hood top securely fastened down with temporary screws.

Looking good! Next up is permanent fitting of the tops.

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