Monday, 16 October 2023

Paint Blisters | Cock Up or Disaster?

I  mentioned in a previous post that rain water had got into the boat, and I had to empty it all out.

Well, it happened again after a torrential overnight downpour when the cheap plastic tarp sagged and spilled a load of water into the cockpit.

I emptied it out and cleaned everything but I was concerned to find that that the white gloss paint had blistered where it had come into contact with standing water.

They were tiny blisters, the size of a pinhead or smaller. And they appeared in rashes on flat horizontal surfaces.

It happened in the footwell, on the seatback tops, and on the rudder bottom plate.

This is what they look like on the port seat back top.

And here on the starboard seatback top.

Truly horrible. And I have no idea why this is happening. The blue gloss and the varnish are not affected.

Is it the paint, or is it something I have done?

I have asked the paint manufacturer for advice but they haven't got back to me yet.

I really don't want to repaint the boat ....

If any readers out there know about paint and have any advice to offer, I would love to hear from you!

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