Sunday, 6 March 2022

Centreboard | Drilling For The Pivot Pin

The build manual tells us to make the centreboard pivot pin from 9mm stainless steel rod or a bolt.

Investigations revealed that there is no such thing! From M6 upwards bolt sizes increase in 2mm increments, so I had the choice of M8 or M10.

M8 was far too loose so I decided to drill the pivot holes out to 10mm.

Here I am drilling out the centreboard hole.

And here is the pivot hole in the keel, masked off and sanded to show the epoxy liner in the hole.

The hardware pack includes some M10 threaded rod to make the pivots, but I didn't think that  would be a good idea for the centreboard.

Over time the thread would chew up the board, so I purchased a long partly threaded M10 bolt to make the pin.

Here is a test fit for the bolt.

It was a perfect sliding fit. Very satisfying!

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