Saturday, 16 February 2019

Kit Purchase | Delivery Dramas

I retired in August 2016 but family commitments and essential domestic projects prevented any progress on PocketShip until 2018.

I placed the order for the kit on 1st August 2018, exactly two years to the day since I retired! Oh well, better late than never ...

CLC plans and kits are supplied in the UK by Fyne Boat Kits in Cumbria, who hold the franchise.

The kit should have arrived in early September, but it does contain a very large amount of material and the good folk at Fyne Boats needed more time to cut all the parts. In the midst of which one of their machines suffered a terminal failure, and the delivery was rescheduled to the last week of September.

The timber, fibreglass cloth and resin all arrived on time, but the main part of the kit went missing for three days. It was a double pallet of sheets of marine ply eight feet long by four feet wide, weighing an enormous amount, and TNT managed to lose it! They had no idea where it was. It eventually turned up unannounced and we unloaded it sheet by sheet onto the workshop floor.

PocketShip had arrived!

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