Wednesday 1 May 2024

Resin Clear Coating

Having stripped the components that are not part of the hull, I now needed to clear coat them all with resin.

The rudder cheeks looked like this.

And here are the drop boards, tabernacle, and the centreboard patches.

I will give them two or three coats, sanding in between.

Like the last post, tedious and time consuming, but important.


  1. Stephen, good to see you progressing again. I took your advice from when we met and also drilled out the pivot holes to 25mm and used a a 12mm pivot pin. I think that is a good solution. I decided to coat my centerboard with graphite / epoxy mix rather than paint and I am pretty pleaser with the result. The inside of the truck was also done this way so it will be interesting to see how this works out over time.

    1. Good to hear from you John. I'm pleased to hear that you're progressing well. It was fun to meet up and I hope we can do it again soon!
