Monday, 11 November 2019

Floorboards | Finishing With Danish Oil

The floor boards were all complete and awaiting a finish. I decided to use Danish oil, purely because that is what the builder in the manual used and I figured that if it is good enough for a professional then it must be good enough for me.

Danish oil is apparently a blend of Tung oil and solvents. This is the brand I selected, having read good reviews of it.

And I decided to try foam brushes out for the first time, again having read great things about them when used for varnish. Here they are.

They are excellent, allowing fast, easy and accurate coverage with no mess.

I used just under a litre of the oil to apply four coats to both sides of the floorboards. That should take care of them.

When the odour had disappeared I moved them into the house to harden off completely before being set aside to await final and permanent installation.

This is the TV lounge currently.

We are getting there! My next job is to tidy up the interior of the hull and paint it before refitting the floorboards for the very last time.


  1. Your Floor boards look really nice!

  2. Thanks Ron. They were a lot of work … but nice to be working with wood again. I can't wait to put them back into the boat!
