Friday, 18 October 2024

Lots More Primer | Ready For Gloss!

It's been four weeks since the last post and during that time I have done nothing but apply and sand coat upon coat of primer.

I initially applied three coats of grey and five coats of white primer, sanding the final coats with a P220 grit, ready for gloss.

But as hard as I tried to convince myself that the finish was good enough, in my heart I knew it wasn't.

Both grey and white coverage was still slightly patchy, with some areas less opaque than the rest.

I thought that the gloss would probably cover this up, but I wasn't sure and remembered being caught out by this before, so more primer was applied.

In all seven coats of white and five coats of grey were applied before I achieved an even colouration across the hull.

I found that it was best to pull the masking tape before sanding with the P220 grit, feathering the edges flat at the same time. This eliminates any 'step' between the coloured areas, leaving a flat surface for the gloss.

After some experimentation I found the paint behaved best when thinned by 10% with the stipulated Epifanes thinners.

I took lots of photos, but there is no discernible difference between most of them, so all I need to post here is the outcome.

This is the view from the side, taped up ready for the first coat of white gloss.

And here is the transom, also ready for gloss.

A lot of work and some frustration, but it's done now and as we all know a good finish is totally dependent on good preparation.

So bring on the next phase!

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