Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Gloss Paint | 2nd Coat of White & Disaster!

The time came for the second coat of white gloss, so I taped up again. Like this.

And here is the rear view.

I applied the second coat of white and then removed the masking tape.

That was when it all went wrong... the tape removed large amounts of the blue gloss it was adhering to, leaving patches of bare primer. Like this on the port quarter.

This happened all around the boat. Here is the bow.

Something was seriously amiss. I wet-sanded the damaged areas with a P400 grit to restore a smooth surface, like this at the bow.

And like this on the starboard quarter.

I thought I might have applied too much paint, thereby preventing the solvents from evaporating.

The unused paint remains liquid for days afterwards. Here is the roller tray several days later, showing how fluid it still is.

I also thought I may have not left enough time between coats, and that could be why the first layer was not cured.

I resolved to contact the vendor for advice.

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